Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sorry this has taken so long to post. I been having problems getting on(grr).
I want to talk a little to the Mambrainiacs that I'm gonna have the pleasure of teaching this Sunday. The lesson is gonna be out of Luke 13: 18-21.
To get some of the context, I want to back up a little and look from vs.10-17. The situation is this, its the sabbath and Jesus, as was custom for Him, was teaching in the synagogue. There was a woman there with a spirit of infirmity for 18 years. It was such that she was hunched over and couldn't stand up. 'Til Jesus saw her.
He saw her. She wasn't the only one there in search of healing, to be certain, as we'll see. But look at the location of Jesus-in the synagogue (v.10), but when He saw her, He called her to Him. She had to step inside the synagogue...A no-no for women. He laid His hands on her. Another no-no. She had a spirit of infirmity, she was not clean, another no-no.
But Jesus knew the result of her willingness to obey His call-she gloified God. But how big was her faith? Was it the size of a mustard seed? It didn't move a mountain, but it beleived God would remove the binds on her back. How far are you willing to go to obey?
This was mustard seed faith.
Faith that could grow the kingdom. (Remember, she glorified God-for what He did for her after she obeyed His call). Faith that would grow the kingdom in a way that it wouldn't matter what kind of bird came, the refuge was under the kindom growth. She had to share what He did.
That iced it for the ruler of the synagogue. He couldn't have anybody and everybody come into his little place and mess it all up. Jesus to him was a threat, not physically, but spiritually by taking away those who listened to him every Sabbath.
The ruler said, "There are six days on which men ought to work; therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath day." (v.14) Basically this is my one day a week service where ya'll come listen to me. Wah-Wah-Wah, I'm gonna take my ball and go home.
What does Jesus do-gets in his Kool-aid and tells him what flavor it is. He calls him a hypocrite and puts to shame all those who oppose him.
So what kind of faith do you have? If we rest our faith on something or someone, it will wind up disappointing.
Plant the mustard seed in your garden. When He calls you to do something, in accordance with His Word, obey. Water the seed by getting into the Word, prayer, sharing your faith. That when your faith is so visible- mustard plants can grow up to 15ft tall- that even those around you are drawn to you because whatever it is that is going on you are always a shelter that they can lean on and find a place to be safe. In that place you can feed them the Gospel that the kingdom is a mustard seed.
We are the soil. Have faith. His kingdom is you
Soli Deo Gloria,
Aaron "Tree" Landis
Psalm 1.3