Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Back to I John 1:2
One of the most natural things for a child is to go and tell of something that they have seen. John is no different. He couldn’t keep inside what he had seen happen. There was no disguising it, covering it up, or hiding the fact. Nor was there any chance that something like what he had seen could be made up. A simple group of fishermen could not have concocted so grand a scheme that they would be willing to die for, and thereby deceiving the whole world.
Once one encounters the Word of Life, you can’t help but proclaim it. Proclaim it…John didn’t just whisper it, or give a, “Psst. Meet me over here in this ally. There is something I have to tell you in private.” They proclaimed it boldly in the synagogues, street corners, Paul even did it in the centers of learning-Mars Hill.
If they were so bold, and had such importunity in their proclamation of the gospel, why aren’t we? Perhaps, perhaps, we haven’t understood what is at stake. We take things personal when someone does something to us, or says something that may cast us in a poor light. But if they are an unbeliever, shouldn’t you expect it? What is more important, the fact they hurt you, or that if they died tonight they would spend eternity in hell while you held the answer for their sin problem in your hand like it is “my ball.”? Now, if they are a believer—different ballgame. You should in a loving manner, reproof, rebuke, and exhort in order to regain them to the faith and fellowship. But that is another day.
Be bold in sharing the Gospel, wherever your street corner is.
Not only in sharing the Gospel with those who don’t believe, but also we should be bold to proclaim and defend the Gospel to those who do believe and have for some reason been led astray.
John was bold to tell believers that there was something wrong in what they were believing.
Oh how we need more preachers like that today. Preacher, DON’T BE AFRAID TO PREACH AND REBUKE AND REPROVE AND RESTORE FROM THE PULPIT. If they need to be called out—call ‘em out.
All of this stemmed from a personal relationship with the One who saves. We can do a lot of ministry in our own power. That is obvious in seeing the number of churches that are withering on the vine. Our members, just go through the flow. While those who among them are saved, are living in mediocrity because they have left their first love.
We can legislate all the moral laws, defend doctrine from our pulpits, but if they do not have a personal relationship with the Saviour who died to set them free from their will to sin to the ability, in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to obey what the Father has commanded.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful Face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light,
Of His glorious grace.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Aaron “Tree” Landis
Psalm 1.3
One of the most natural things for a child is to go and tell of something that they have seen. John is no different. He couldn’t keep inside what he had seen happen. There was no disguising it, covering it up, or hiding the fact. Nor was there any chance that something like what he had seen could be made up. A simple group of fishermen could not have concocted so grand a scheme that they would be willing to die for, and thereby deceiving the whole world.
Once one encounters the Word of Life, you can’t help but proclaim it. Proclaim it…John didn’t just whisper it, or give a, “Psst. Meet me over here in this ally. There is something I have to tell you in private.” They proclaimed it boldly in the synagogues, street corners, Paul even did it in the centers of learning-Mars Hill.
If they were so bold, and had such importunity in their proclamation of the gospel, why aren’t we? Perhaps, perhaps, we haven’t understood what is at stake. We take things personal when someone does something to us, or says something that may cast us in a poor light. But if they are an unbeliever, shouldn’t you expect it? What is more important, the fact they hurt you, or that if they died tonight they would spend eternity in hell while you held the answer for their sin problem in your hand like it is “my ball.”? Now, if they are a believer—different ballgame. You should in a loving manner, reproof, rebuke, and exhort in order to regain them to the faith and fellowship. But that is another day.
Be bold in sharing the Gospel, wherever your street corner is.
Not only in sharing the Gospel with those who don’t believe, but also we should be bold to proclaim and defend the Gospel to those who do believe and have for some reason been led astray.
John was bold to tell believers that there was something wrong in what they were believing.
Oh how we need more preachers like that today. Preacher, DON’T BE AFRAID TO PREACH AND REBUKE AND REPROVE AND RESTORE FROM THE PULPIT. If they need to be called out—call ‘em out.
All of this stemmed from a personal relationship with the One who saves. We can do a lot of ministry in our own power. That is obvious in seeing the number of churches that are withering on the vine. Our members, just go through the flow. While those who among them are saved, are living in mediocrity because they have left their first love.
We can legislate all the moral laws, defend doctrine from our pulpits, but if they do not have a personal relationship with the Saviour who died to set them free from their will to sin to the ability, in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to obey what the Father has commanded.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful Face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light,
Of His glorious grace.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Aaron “Tree” Landis
Psalm 1.3
Part of my prayer time consists of what the disciples prayed in Acts 4:29b-30 "...enable your servants to speak Your Word with boldness. Stretch forth your hand to heal and perfrom miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your Holy servant Jesus."