Tuesday, November 20, 2007

When I was in Israel this past summer, we met an IMB missionary that was studying in Haifa. He told our group of something that had happened in his church that he was working with. He sent the story in an email. Here is the excerpt from the email.


I'm writing this email to quickly update all of you on two new IAM
members of God's family! Yes! After we returned from Amman an elder
from the Arabic church we attend here in Haifa shared with me that
several members of the church had been in contact with three Muslims
who had show an interest in the gospel. The following day he called
and said that two of them had accepted Christ and were interested in
following that commitment by being baptized. Wednesday night I had
the amazing opportunity of attending the prayer service and hearing
one of these new believers pour out his heart in conviction over his
personal sin, thankfulness that Jesus had come to rescue him from the
pit he was living in, and that those around him, his family and
friends, would also come to know the truth that had set him free. It
was the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard; the prayer of a new
believer from a Muslim background pouring out his heart in gratitude
to a wonderful Savior. I know you all are rejoicing as well.

One of these new believers was imprisoned for nearly 15 years for
being a member of Hamas and carrying out a terrorist attack. His
wife and two children are not (yet) believers, to our knowledge, so
remember them. Both men are already beginning to receive threats,
however, both are being extremely bold. The former Hamas member
said, "This is the path I've been looking for my whole life." Pray
they would continue to have boldness and share their faith. Many
times new believers feel isolated and alone. These believers have
found a new community in this church. Pray we would BE the community
they need so they can flourish and we can see more believers brought
into the fold.

That was the first of June, end of May. The reason I share that with you is because of the email I received yesterday from Scott. Here is one of the prayer requests he listed.

The believer here in Haifa we informed you about a few months ago
was recently put in jail, seemingly at the instigation of his
unbelieving wife. He has since been moved to a psychiatric
facility. Pray for Mahmoud to grow in his faith and be a strong
witness wherever he is. Pray for his wife to have a broken heart and
for the Lord to reveal himself to her in a very personal way. Pray
for healing for the whole family.


I could not imagine a wife putting a husband away for believing in Christ.

Matthew 10:35-39 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Be praying for Mahmoud, and for Scott and his family (they also just had a 3rd child), and the IAM (Israeli Arab Muslim) ministry there.


posted by Aaron L. at 4:12 PM |