Some shock occured when I listened to 94.9 here in Ft. Worth and heard a song that, for only a few words that were made neuter, was a song that I had danced to in the bars, drunk, before I came back to the Light!! I couldn't believe it. Then I find out that there are several bands, whose videos I had seen and songs I had listened to (Six Pence, Pod, etc.) that were *allegedly* Christian!
Many of the lyrics that I heard also were so WEAK and anorexic doctrinally that I was appauled!! It used to be that CCM was ministry oriented. Now I find that it costs $20 to go to worship with a group called Hillsong leading or somebody else. Their good, and I like their music. But who out there is more concerned with ministry and letting Him provide than getting the guarantee. Where does Christ guarantee us more than what we can carry in our purse, especially when He says not to take one!!
Then there were the new words--Seeker (?). The Bible says that "no one seeks God, no not one..."(Rom 3:11). So why call lost sinners "seekers" when Scripture is clear that that is not the case?
Two reasons: 1) because we don't want them to feel uncomfortable. 2) We don't want to be uncomfortable calling them sinners when we can't say we are without sin ourselves. We would have to live lives separate and holy in order to be able to do so.
More to come later....

I do appreciate your imput, however I do disagree also with some of your thoughts.
First, are there any Christians who are secular that are really Christians? No. We are not to "play a positive message" but should be proclaiming the message of the Gospel-it is not a friendly message. Don't believe in Christ as Savior, repent of sin-you die. Believe and you live. Period. We are not to be friends with the world as James 4.4 says, "Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an ENEMY (my emphasis) of God." I had friends, while I was walking away from the Lord, who bought POD, 12 stones, etc., and would dance in the bars to their music. They no more were brought a positive or feel better mentality than any other song they liked. If the message is covert it isn't the Gospel.
Second, if you quote Paul, quote correctly. I think if I'm not mistaken you were trying to use Philippians 1.18, "What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, I will rejoice." In context Paul is not saying that to change the message is ok as long as it is positive, he is saying that as long as they proclaim the message clearly, whether their motive of trying to hurt his testimony is the main reason, he doesn't mind. As long as it is proclaimed rightly.
What about not being unequally yoked? That is not dealing with marriage but business. So should Christian musicians or musicians who are Christian, try to sign with secularly owned former Christian labels? Absolutley NOT. We are in this world but not OF it.
We (every Christian) are to proclaim and guard the truth of the Gospel that all are sinners. And it does matter. That they are enemies of God that He hates what they do so much that He would create HELL to punish them for their sin.
How legalistic are you going to go is the question. If I am not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, why did Jesus tell us to go into all the WORLD and make disciples. You can't make a disciple unless they hear the word. They won't hear unless I tell them.
I'm in a business that is mainly non-Christians. Does that mean I'm living in sin? Am I unequally yoked? Or am I spreading the Gospel in the way that God tells me.
I drink a Dr. Pepper now and then. Should I only drink a Dr. Pepper if I know it's been made, bottled, delivered and sold by a Christian?
If I drink milk, should it only come from a Christian cow?
This is an interesting statement:
"First, are there any Christians who are secular that are really Christians? No."
Do you know their hearts and who are you to judge? How do you know that these people don't spend more time with God each day than you do?How do you know that these bands are not radically obedient to what God has told them to do? Just because you have convictions, doesn't make them everybody elses. For example, I cannot preach to anyone about the sin of gambling, because I've never been tempted in that particular sin. But if you want to preach about lust, I'm your man. If you want to preach about drunkenness, wait your turn because I'm going to preach first. But you can't judge other people for where they are in their walk with Christ.
A few weeks ago the band and I played an instrumental piece before the service that was blues oriented. Does that mean it's of the devil? If you say yes, I'll start calling you Jiimmy Swaggart.
When someone told me after church that I shouldn't be playing that kind of music in church, I looked them in the eye and I told them that God had given me that song. It was original, it was played not for my glory but God's.
I understand that the world is dying and going to hell. And you can preach all day long about how people are dying and going to hell, but what are you doing about it? This is easy. It's easy to sit here and type away and express opinions, but it's not saving souls. Jesus didn't even tell us to save souls...that's His job. His command was to make disciples. If anything, this is iron sharpening iron.
Over the past three years I've noticed something. I've been a paramedic for 15 years. For 12 of those years I was a hard partyin' fool. And all the people that worked with me knew it. If you wanted fun and entertainment at the party, make sure Matt Wyatt was there. Three years ago, God got a hold of my life and showed me that He's not interested in what I've done in the past. He didn't ask me for excuses. He just loved me. I come to a point in my life that I know God loves me and there is nothing that I can do to make Him love me more. I don't have to read my bible to make God like me. I do it because I desire intimacy with God. God accepts me for who I am, not in spite of my sin but because of my sin. He is the only God known to love sinners. Everday is a radical sacrifice and obedience to God. Soon after the experience of God showing me what a relationship is with Him, I went public. I didn't go public at church. I didn't go public at home. I didn't go public at my small group. I went public where I knew it had to be--At work. There are scoffers, there are mild persecutions, but I don't think anything of it. Because for three years I've lived the life in front of them unashamedly. I have loved them unconditionally. And in time, when some of these people have hit rock bottom...when their wives leave them, or when their dad dies, or both of their parents get cancer at the same time or when a child rebels, they call ME. And in all that time of loving these people, never once condemning them for their lifestyle, because when you condemn people and tell them they are sinners and they are dying and going to hell, you no longer have an open door. People will realize they're sinners when God shows up in their life, not because I tell them. But when you love someone as Christ loves them, that door will open in time. It's time to get off of our legalistic high horse and come down to love and accept people where they are.
St. Francis of Assisi said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. And if you must, use words."
Live it before you preach it. It makes it more believable. Better yet, proclaim it, live it, preach it.
One more thing, just because someone paraphrases the word, doesn't take away it's validity. God doesn't use a certain translation.
God does hate the sin, but He loves the sinner. The Gospel is not that everyone is a sinner. Gospel means Good News. When you tell people that they are sinners, that is not good news to them. The Good News is that God became a man, He was tempted in every way, and He paid the ultimate sacrifice of His own life to pay a debt that He did not owe, but each of us did. All because of his unconditional love that He has for us.
I didn't become a Christian because some fool was in my face telling me I was a sinner. I became a Christian when God confronted me with grace and mercy and love and I realized my need for Him. That's the Gospel!
Hey Matt,
Am I a legalist? Heavens NO!!!lol What I'm talking about is not how we have to live in the world and work to make a living. What bothers me is the fact that so many of the labels in the Christian music industry, such as Sparrow, that sold out to secular labels that are Money driven not Ministry driven.
Should they make money? Sure. But that should not be the main motive. It should come out of blessing from fruitful ministry.
As far as judging someone, if the Scripture teaches that something is not to be done (gambling for example) we do have the ability to preach and hold one another accountable to what it says. Not based on our experiences, but what the Word says. Is that judgemental? Its holding one another accountable, done in a loving and sincere way. If they spend time in the Word and I do the same, then we should be able to come openly and lovingly to say this needs to change. I in no way claim to have all the answers. But I can say that, just because the world has NSYNC, does't mean we need a Christian version. Astrological breath mints-Bible verse mints (yep, saw 'em in Mardels-don't get me started:/).
The fact that you didn't smack the individual that said that to you about the blues says you are spiritually new!!I'm not talking bout styles of music. Please don't misunderstand me. It is the MOTIVE behind why they are doing it. I enjoy hearing blues riffs myself, especially in the church.
Keep in mind yes God loves the sinner, and hates the sin. But He also calls them children of wrath because of their sin( Eph. 2:3), however, praise God, v.4 starts with "But God..."
You are correct about it being easy to sit here and type this out. The hard part is doing things like trying to help some of families whose homes burned in the grass fires in Granbury just 1/2 mile from my home. Giving them clothes to replace the ones that smell like smoke on thier backs. Looking them in the eye when they ask Why did God take my house with the fire, but didn't touch my neighbors? (I type this with tears...) Faith has to have hands, and I cannot say more to the end of your testimony (one that is much like mine) Amen!!!
I don't want you to think I'm tryin to be legalistic. Paul was much harder on believers than sinners. With sinners, anything, without compromising the Gospel, which yes is good news, (but also includes the fact of bad news of the penalty of sin)and the repentance from sin. With believers, hard core accountability to live lives that are radically above board, and to hold one another to the standard of His Word.
May God Bless,
Love ya!!
Here's a question...Is there really such a thing as Christian music? Did music get saved?
I have to agree with a few things said. Christian music used to be a ministry, but the fact is, is that it is a business owned mostly by the secular music realm. I used to spend $20 to go see a concert to be entertained. Keith Green's philosophy was give it away to those who couldn't afford it. Remember the poor? Take a good look through the New Testament to see the kind of people Jesus hung out with and he offered eternal life free of charge.
I used to be legalistic in the fact that Christian musicians should play Christian music. There are secular artists who are Christians and playing music with a positive message (i.e. Switchfoot) to a lost world and offering hope. Remember what Paul said, "I don't care how the Gospel is spread, just as long as it's spread." That's from Matt's paraphrase. I would rather musicians be Christians playing a positive message to a lost world and offering hope and love than a "Christian" musician ministering only to the church. Of course, I have no clue to these artists lifestyles, so I should not be so judgemental.
As far as "seekers"....I've determined that the mentality of some churches are "let them come to us." Jesus didn't say let them come to us but GO AND GET THEM!!! Jesus didn't use gimmicks to get people to come to Him...He meet them where they were. He met their need. If the church can't even take care of it's own, why would anyone want to come to it?
I have no problem calling myself a sinner. I have come to a point in my life like Paul--I am the chief of sinners. But so freakin' what?!!! I have also come to the conclusion that God loves me, desires intimacy with me and wants a relationship, not a religion. I am a sinner, but I'm saved by the grace and mercy of God through the blood of my Lord and Savior.