Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Matthew 16:15-17
At this time Jesus turns to his disciples and asks, "But who do you say I am?"(emphasis mine). Keep in mind they have seen Him up close. During the teaching times they were privy to the interpretation of the parables and the lessons that He gave. They had seen what the boy gave them to start with when the 5000 men were fed, served it to them, and collected what was left over not long prior to this encounter. They knew there was no coincidence that there were 12 disciples (12 tribes, do the math).

They knew who He was. They knew, except one, from the time that He called them.(John 1:44-51). Peter is the one who answered, the one that one author calls the "Apostle with a foot shaped mouth."1 Much like a jury foreman, Peter speaks up. This time, unlike others where he spoke before he could carry through, he gets it right.

"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
How did Peter come to such a conclusion? Was it the miracles? The feeding of the multitude with a few loaves and fishes? What was Jesus' response to Peter's answer?

Matthew 16:17
This was something that even wild eyed Peter, could not have come up with on his own. Only God Himself can reveal to the human heart, who the person of Jesus Christ is. I can't, with any persuasive arguement, convince you that there is but one sacrifice for sin that will atone for what you have done to God. Only through a faith given by an encounter from heaven can do so.
When His Father does reveal to who He truly is, there is a blessing. That blessing is knowing that there is eternal life. Not life that begins when we die, but begins at the moment God the Spirit moves in our hearts resulting in saving faith in the One who died to make us His own.

Tomorrow, the danger of misunderstanding why He came.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Aaron "Tree" Landis, Psalm 1:3
posted by Aaron L. at 9:37 AM |