So we will be leaving the BGCT. It is the right move for us. I appreciate our pastor's leadership in taking on a difficult and sometimes not so popular move. I wish I would have had the same kind of conviction that the Bible is not only infallible, authoritative, and inerrant Word of God, but that it is also all sufficient, when I was his age. Now, years later, I do.
We pray that those who voted against would come alongside us and see that this will not in any way affect how we do things on a week to week, day to day basis. That it was nothing personal. Though we leave the BGCT with a heavy heart, it is only because we would rather live in peace with the brethren, than to have to constantly say "no" all the time and correct what they are teaching and doing.
We are Southern Baptists. Texas Southern Baptists.
Once finals are over, I plan to address some issues that have been weighing on me. Hope you will stay tuned.

At 1:34 PM,
Aaron, I read about your church on Lee's Deep in the Heart blog. In one of your posts there you mentioned pie charts of how much of a dollar goes to missions from each convention. I'd LOVE to see those. I'm a new pastor back in the state after 12 years and trying to learn all the changes to the percentages that stay with the bgct. There have been some crafty changes that have kept a lot of money from the SBC. Anyway I'd love to see those charts of where things stand now. Please let me know.
Here is the SBTC pie chart at the bottom of the page.
I've looked for one of the BGCT, but couldn't find one. The break down of giving that shows it. But you can also get all the info as to why we chose to leave here.
The cooperative giving for the BGCT breaks down to 72% remains in BGCT and 28% to the SBC.
My friend,
My church, too, has left the BGCT, as of October 21.
Less than 10 years ago, our church was a top-10 giver to the BGCT.
Sadly, the definition of Cooperative Program was changed by the BGCT, the criteria for number of messengers was changed by the BGCT, and the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 was rejected by the BGCT. For a brief period of time, the SBC seminaries and ERLC were defunded by the BGCT.
Wow, our church didn't change--the BGCT did!
May God bless your church and my church...