Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Though it isn’t definite, according to church tradition the letter of 1 John was probably written to the church of Ephesus and passed around to the other churches. As far back as Justin Martyr (at Ephesus himself, ca a.d. 135), Ireneaus of Lyon (writing ca a.d. 180), Eusebius, Polycrates, Syriac work known as the History of John, Letter of Ignatius of Ephesus, andAugustine’s commentary on 1 John all place the letter to Ephesus. (

The main topics addressed are such as to encourage believers in the truth and life of Christ.[1] Though John is know as the Apostle of Love, when the beginnings of Gnosticism came, the Son of Thunder came out. There were two forms of Gnosticism, Docetics and Cerinthians, both held that flesh was evil. They had problems with the idea of Christ being in flesh. Docetics denied the humanity of Christ, while the Cerinthians said that the deity of Christ came on Him at baptism but left Him at the Cross. Some practiced asceticism (denying the flesh thru self beating, fasting, etc.) others by licentiousness (letting the flesh do whatever sin it wants since only the spiritual matters). Westcott has said that he believes that the Fourth Gospel was written to prove the deity of Christ, assuming His humanity, and the First Epistle to prove the humanity of Christ, assuming His deity.[2]

When reading I John, it may be helpful to keep this in view. John’s use of the words knowledge, and flesh were more than likely in direct use to thwart the growing ideology among the believers.

This will become more evident when we look to the 1st chapter.
Till later..

Soli Deo Gloria,

Aaron “Tree” Landis
Psalm 1.3

[1] A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, vol. VI, (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1933)

[2] Ibid., 201.
posted by Aaron L. at 12:36 PM |