Saturday, December 16, 2006

Today, my father and I went to the memorial of a man of God who may not be known here, but I assure you, he is known in heaven.
I. T. Winter worked at Bell Helicopter with my dad. In fact, I. T. helped train my dad in his job. But what he was best known for was his $2 bill. You see, I. T. would write gospel verses across the back edges. He would say, "Will you do me a favor? I give away two dollar bills. Now before you take it, I need fifteen seconds to tell you why."
He would then tell them share the Gospel with them. There is no telling how many he shared the Gospel with. It would be a fair guess to say $10-15,000 in two dollar bills. On his death bed, he had two dollar bills. His son-in-law told at the service that he was still handing them out to doctors, nurses, whoever came in. The only times that he seemed coherent was when he was sharing the Gospel.
He was like a child who came running up to his friend saying, "Look what I found!" with a twinkle of wonder in his eye.
That was I. T. Winter at age 82. After years of faithfully sharing the Gospel-$2 at a time-having pen pals in prison who he had met sometime somehow, serving as a deacon/greeter in church, and Gideon, and member of Mensa, he entered into rest a week ago last Friday.
We've lost a stallion in the faith....heaven has gained a good and faithful servant.
I want to go out like that, I want to be like that. He epitimized Christian love.
Enjoy your rest, I. T., see ya soon.